Project Closed

In September 2012, Humanity United joined the Obama administration to announce the Partnership for Freedom, a $6 million public-private partnership aimed at confronting some of the deepest challenges facing victims of modern-day slavery in the United States.
Pathways to Freedom, the Partnership’s third challenge, was led by Humanity United and the NoVo Foundation. Launched in February 2018, Pathways to Freedom called on cities to challenge assumptions about who human trafficking survivors are, spur innovative citywide responses, and share local solutions.
The three U.S. cities selected were Atlanta, Minneapolis, and Chicago.
Each city received a grant to establish a two-year senior fellow position. The senior fellow served directly in municipal government and worked across multiple city government agencies and with a range of community stakeholders to create and implement a citywide response to human trafficking. Selected cities received technical assistance funds to support and build stronger connections with local organizations working on anti-trafficking issues.
Pathways to Freedom also provided grant funding to grassroots and survivor-led organizations to engage low-wage worker communities who have traditionally been vulnerable to exploitation – including immigrants, communities of color, and women.
To learn more about Humanity United’s work supporting peace and freedom, we encourage you to visit our website here: